
If the Leaders of the Taqaddum Alliance Die, Stone Them

Osman Galal

The exaggerated praise from Dr. Alaa Al-Din Naqd, a bumbling fool, for the actions of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Gezira State and his claim that they supported farmers with 70 million pounds, which amounts to nothing compared to what they looted from the state’s citizens, let alone public and private institutions. However, this confirms what has already been established: that the Taqaddum Alliance and the Al-Daglo terrorist militia are two malevolent souls in two corrupt bodies. Their pretense of neutrality is merely a role-playing game between the allies, with the ultimate goal of seizing power in Sudan, either by the militia’s criminal gun or through soft political tools supported by their regional and international backers.

Section 2:
The political developments since 2018 have proven that the leaders of the Taqaddum Alliance have created the most dangerous breach in the Sudanese state in the post-independence era. They have skillfully fulfilled the functional role of the Zionist-American agenda, which is built on two scenarios: either Sudan’s ruling regimes become subservient and aligned with the Western axis led by the United States, or Sudan is kept in a state of civilizational weakness, torn apart by identity, ethnic, and regional conflicts. A stable, democratic, and resource-rich Sudan would turn into a major regional power that could threaten the Zionist entity. The winds of Sudanese democratic birth might blow eastward to the Arabian Gulf, toppling their allied kings and princes who are subjected to Zionist-American blackmail, with the motto being “money and oil” in exchange for throne protection.

The masterminds of this project, through their Emirati tool, offered President Bashir the role of a mere puppet for their wicked agendas in exchange for his continued rule forever, but he refused with dignity and pride. At that point, the evil alliance was forced to remove him through the scenario of the December 2018 revolution, crafted in their dirty laboratories. The removal of the members of the security committee, who were resistant to blackmail and bribery, laid the strategic groundwork for the infiltration of Sudanese state institutions. This led to the rise of General Al-Burhan and the leader of the RSF militia to the leadership of the military component, while the Taqaddum/Qahat alliance, disconnected from the masses, represented the political civilian forces. At that point, the evil international coalition and its Emirati tool sought to impose Sudan’s subservience to their axis through General Al-Burhan in exchange for perpetual rule, but Al-Burhan also refused with pride and dignity. Then, the evil alliance resorted to the zero-option, war, by employing the mercenary rifle of the commoner Hemeti and the leaders of the Taqaddum Alliance as a civilian political wing to deceive the intelligent Sudanese people into believing that this alliance represents their aspirations for civilianization and democratization of the state.

The dwarfs of the Taqaddum Alliance realize that they are merely puppets for the Zionist-American agenda. They also realize that if the Al-Daglo rifle triumphs over the Sudanese people and army, their fate will be mere ministers and clerks in the tactical short-term. Afterward, they will be discarded, and the Sudanese state will be monopolized as a hereditary monarchy by the Al-Daglo family. But that’s a far-fetched dream, as the will of the people cannot be defeated.

The Taqaddum Alliance’s leaders gained the revolutionaries’ trust and then ascended to positions of power and decision-making after signing the Constitutional Document in August 2019. They combined soft and hard power—these elements needed to build the state and nation on the pillars of sustainable democracy. However, they fell into Pharaoh’s valley and diminished to the role of Trojan horses for the Zionist-American project. They further shrank into the despicable and shameful role of mounts for the Al-Daglo agenda. As the poet Al-Hutai’a once said:
“Leave the honors, do not strive for them,
Sit, for you are the one who eats and is clothed.”

The betrayal of the Taqaddum leaders against the revolutionaries, the revolution’s slogans, society, the army, and the Sudanese state mirrors the betrayal of Abu Righal in Arab history, who guided Abraha the Abyssinian to invade Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. This wretched man perished at Al-Mughammas, and the Arabs made a tradition of stoning his grave as a punishment for his heinous act. If the leaders of the Taqaddum Alliance die, stone them in their graves, for they represent the most dangerous breach in the Sudanese state and almost led it to total disintegration.

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