
National Congress: We Will Not Accept Being Excluded from Political Action

Sudan Events – Reports
The National Congress Party launched a fierce attack on the US Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, stating that his media statements do not help build trust between him and the Sudanese people. The party called on the US administration to ensure its envoy respects the Sudanese people and their state institutions, refraining from sowing discord among its political and social components.
In a statement from its political sector on Thursday, the party said that Perriello’s remarks contradict the stance of the free American people, who have condemned the RSF militia’s crimes in Sudan and the genocide in Gaza. The party stated it would not respond to these statements, knowing that they stem from its firm stance in supporting the armed forces and its leadership’s and members’ participation alongside the steadfast Sudanese people in the dignity battlefields.
The statement emphasized that the humanitarian catastrophe faced by the Sudanese people due to the RSF militia’s actions requires dedication, sincerity, and honesty from all actors to address it. The party expressed confidence in Saudi Arabia, trusted by the Sudanese people and government, to prioritize the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement’s outcomes, ensuring no other parties sabotage them. The National Congress pledged to work sincerely with all national political forces and civil society organizations to achieve national consensus, leading the country to stability and peace. The party affirmed its continued presence in the political scene, defending Sudan’s dignity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and stated it would not accept or surrender to being excluded from political action.
The party also warned against opening the country’s borders to foreign organizations under the guise of humanitarian work without monitoring and accountability.

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