
Increase in Customs Revenues

Sudan Events – Reports
The Customs Forces revealed a 140% increase in customs revenues for June, reaching 214% in July, while achieving 180% in the current month. The administration considered this a significant achievement given the war conditions, the loss of vehicle revenues, and the halt of imports due to the linkage with Form (IM).
Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, Director of Customs, stated at the Ministry of Interior’s regular forum that there is no such thing as a “customs dollar,” but rather an indicative rate for collecting customs fees in Sudanese pounds, with import amounts possibly being in currencies other than the dollar.
He explained that importing used clothing is prohibited due to health considerations for citizens. He noted that the role of customs concerning containers is limited to collecting customs duties. After two months, if the container is not cleared, it reverts to the Port Authority and becomes abandoned goods if the owner does not submit a customs declaration, allowing the ports to dispose of it.
Major General Salah also mentioned that customs suffered losses due to the war, including vehicles, weapons, and equipment. He pointed out that they are working according to a plan set to manage operations post-war and will be focusing on acquiring network connection devices in the coming period.

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