
Media Reports: Tourists Stabbed in Taba Resort, Egypt

Sudan Events – Agencies 

A high-level source, described by “Cairo News” television as reliable, reported that several tourists were injured in a stabbing incident at the Taba resort in Egypt. The source added on Friday that the initial investigations into the incident are awaited, according to Reuters news agency. The channel later cited witnesses saying that the incident did not result in any fatalities, adding that “what happened was a brawl between some employees of a hotel in Taba and a number of tourists.” The Egyptian high-level source, according to “Cairo News” TV, stated that “there is no truth to what was reported in the Israeli media about a stabbing of Israelis.” The source added that what happened was “a brawl in one of the hotels in Taba between an Egyptian worker and four tourists from the 48 Arabs, resulting in serious injuries to the Egyptian worker and injuries to three of the tourists.” The Israeli newspaper “Maariv” reported that initial information indicates the incident was criminal in nature, without providing further details. Earlier, Israeli media reported that several Israeli tourists were injured in the head during the incident.

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