
Sudanese Trapped at the Border Face the Risk of Battles Between Ethiopian Army and Fano Rebels 

Sudan Events – Agencies  
Authorities in Gedaref State have reported that over 700 Sudanese nationals are trapped on both sides of the Gallabat border crossing between Sudan and Ethiopia, amid intensified battles in Ethiopian areas adjacent to the crossing.
According to government sources speaking to “Sudan Tribune,” around 400 of those trapped are inside Ethiopian territory in the Metemma Yohannes area, while 321 people are stuck within Sudanese territory in Gallabat.
The displaced Sudanese, fleeing the war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, are at risk of death from gunfire due to the ongoing clashes in Metemma, Ethiopia, between the Ethiopian army and the Amhara Fano militia.
The Gedaref State Government announced the continuation of intense preparations and military deployment along the border strip, with the border crossing remaining closed and commercial activities suspended until the battles subside, security is restored, and tensions at the border decrease.
“Sudan Tribune” indicated that the Ethiopian government had deployed significant military reinforcements to Shahidi Province and the Metemma area near the Sudanese border. The Ethiopian army also carried out widespread arrests in Metemma, targeting Fano militia leaders and their families, with the campaign being led by Ethiopian army generals inside Fano’s recruitment camps, which have been taken over by the militia since Sunday.

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