
Sudan requests clarification on militia use of UN materials

Sudan Events – Follow-up  
Sudan’s Permanent Mission in Geneva sent a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), drawing attention to the use of UNHCR shelter materials (tarpaulins) by the Rapid Support Forces militia to cover their armored vehicles.
The mission described this act as a “serious violation of international humanitarian law and the UN Charter” and requested an explanation from the UNHCR and clarification on the steps the organization would take to address the misuse of its name for military purposes.
International humanitarian law, the four Geneva Conventions, and the UN Charter criminalize the use of United Nations and its agencies’ resources in armed conflicts.
Previously, militia elements had used World Health Organization (WHO) uniforms during military operations against civilians, which prompted the Sudanese government to file a complaint and summon the program’s representative for clarification.

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