
UNESCO Concerned About Reports of Looting at Sudan National Museum and Archaeological Sites

Sudan Events – Monitoring
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) expressed deep concern over reports of widespread looting at the Sudan National Museum and other archaeological sites in the country.
In a statement, UNESCO said it is “deeply concerned about recent reports indicating the potential looting and destruction of several museums and heritage institutions in Sudan, including the National Museum, by armed groups.”
The organization called on the international community to make every effort to protect Sudan’s heritage from destruction and illicit trafficking.
It urged parties to the conflict to comply with international humanitarian law by refraining from destroying or looting cultural property or using it for military purposes.
The statement revealed that reports indicated significant theft of valuable collections documenting Sudan’s distinguished history from the Khalifa Abdullah Al-Taaishi Museum in Omdurman and the Nyala Museum in South Darfur.
UNESCO is thoroughly verifying these reports to determine the extent of the damage.
It also called on the public, art markets, and those trading in cultural property to refrain from acquiring cultural items from Sudan or participating in their import, export, or transfer of ownership.
UNESCO expressed concern that any illegal sale or transfer of cultural property would result in the loss of part of Sudan’s identity and undermine its ability to recover.

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