
Qatar Red Crescent plans to implement projects in Gedaref

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
On Saturday, Gedaref Governor, Lt. Gen. Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, held a joint meeting with the Executive Director of Qatar Red Crescent, Dr. Salah Al-Daak, in Port Sudan to discuss ways to enhance the humanitarian interventions of Qatar Red Crescent in Gedaref State.
The governor praised the significant and appreciated role of Qatar Red Crescent in supporting Sudan and Gedaref State over the past periods. He called for more humanitarian interventions in shelter centers and providing health services in kidney care, increasing the capacity of the oxygen station, improving sanitation at Gedaref Hospital, water services, and supporting the unified kitchen.
Dr. Salah Al-Daak, Executive Director of Qatar Red Crescent, confirmed the organization’s continued support for Gedaref State in all fields. He pledged to provide 2,000 food baskets in the coming days in addition to supporting water projects.
He revealed upcoming projects in Gedaref, including the provision of ten dialysis machines and support for the operations room at Gedaref Hospital, with a visit to the state scheduled in the near future.

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