
The UNFPA Country Director Visits Gedaref

Sudan Events – Reports
The Acting Governor of Gedaref, Dr. Ahmed Al-Amin Adam, welcomed the country director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Argentina, along with the Fund’s officials in the state, on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by the Commissioner of Humanitarian Aid, the Director of Refugee Housing, the Advisor to the General Director of the Ministry of Health, and the Governor’s Advisor for Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Organizations.
The meeting discussed the focal areas and programs of the Fund’s operations in Gedaref, and ways to develop them, in addition to generalizing successful experiences across all localities, particularly the experience of the Women’s and Obstetrics Hospital in the Al-Tunaideba Refugee Camp. The meeting also addressed the training of midwives, efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality, and the provision of necessary resources.
The Acting Governor stressed the importance of continued cooperation between the Fund and the state to advance relevant programs, particularly in the areas of protection, rapid intervention, and emergencies.

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