
Fighting with Strong Determination Alongside the Armed Forces: The Joint Forces – Details of Resilience and Victory

– Military Expert:
 Al-Fashir will remain impenetrable to militias thanks to the presence of the army and joint forces.
– Major Ahmed Hussein: Media activity by the UAE and (Progress) is misleading.
– Al-Shuwali: We inflicted heavy losses on the militias.
Report by Marwan Al-Rayh
The joint forces, consisting of Darfur’s armed resistance movements, are fighting with strong determination alongside the armed forces, sacrificing dozens of martyrs in the city of Al-Fashir, which they defend with great honor. The resilience shown by the joint forces in Al-Fashir prompted the militias to resort to media manipulation to fabricate the events happening in Al-Fashir, aiming for a moral victory after losing hundreds of fighters and failing to control the city.
**Heroic Stand:
Military expert Jamal Al-Shaheed stated in an interview with “Sudanese Echoes” that Al-Fashir city has remained resistant to militias and will continue to be, despite repeated attacks, thanks to the presence of the heroes of the Sixth Division and the joint forces. Jamal expects Al-Fashir to continue to withstand the militias, who are facing repeated defeats around the city.
**Joint Forces Statement:
The joint forces issued a statement recently, saying: “We have observed reports claiming that 150 individuals from the areas of Tawila and Korma have withdrawn from the joint forces and returned to their regions. In a previous statement, we highlighted misleading media activity benefiting the Janjaweed militias, orchestrated by various propaganda outlets and their allies in the UAE and Progress (Qahat). These lies are spread by activists who were bought off for money and luxurious lifestyles in Kampala hotels.
We assure our loyal citizens that your joint forces are supported by patriotic Sudanese from all regions, without geographical or regional discrimination. We are the people’s self-defense force, including groups such as (Geshn), (Art Art), and (Dagwa Gwa), the people’s resistance, Sudanese women (Miarams), and resistance committees across the country, including religious leaders and clergy. The people of Tawila and Korma lead the frontlines, despite claims of withdrawal due to food shortages, alleging they are surviving only on basic meals like porridge and lentils.”
**History of the Joint Forces:
The joint forces, as per the statement, have fought the former regime for 20 years, living in forests and deserts, coexisting with wild animals as companions. The forces have long endured all conditions, undeterred by hardships. The claims of “water with flour” by the enemy are an insult to a situation they don’t comprehend—this sustenance is as vital to us as our weapons. We reassure everyone that the joint forces and their allies are in high spirits, determined to liberate the country from these invaders and their mercenaries.
**Chasing Abdel Rahim Dagalo:
The joint forces are closely monitoring the movements of Abdel Rahim Dagalo, described as a “loudmouth,” who is always in hiding. The statement denied all claims made by enemy propaganda, asserting that they are merely failed attempts to boost the morale of the Janjaweed militias and their deteriorating mercenaries.
The forces promised to persist in their mission of liberating the country, no matter the circumstances, and confirmed that they remain steadfast in their principles, unaffected by false claims or misleading propaganda.
**Al-Fashir is Safe:
The statement reassured Sudanese people inside and outside the country that Al-Fashir is secure, as the Janjaweed militias have been decisively defeated, with most of their field commanders eliminated. Soon, these militias will be wiped out completely.
**Massive Military Operations:
Ahmed Al-Shuwali, spokesperson for the Sudan Liberation Army – Transitional Council, revealed that the army and joint forces are preparing for the largest military operation aimed at fully liberating Darfur from the “cancer of the Janjaweed militias” and restoring the unity of Sudan.
At a press conference in Port Sudan, Secretary-General of the movement, Al-Sadiq Barngo, noted that the movement has played a significant role within the joint forces in combat, inflicting heavy losses on the militias in North Darfur.
**Key Armed Movements:
The joint forces include several armed movements that have sided with the army, notably the Sudanese Alliance, the Sudan Liberation Army led by Minni Arko Minawi, the Justice and Equality Movement led by Jibril Ibrahim, the Sudanese Liberation Forces Assembly led by Abdullah Yahya, and the Sudan Liberation Army – Transitional Council led by Salah Rasas, a current member of the Sovereignty Council.
**The Sudanese Alliance’s Involvement:
Mohammed Al-Samani, spokesperson for the Sudanese Alliance, emphasized that their involvement in battles, particularly in Al-Fashir, demonstrated the movement’s strength and effectiveness. The movement succeeded with the army in thwarting the militias’ plans to divide Sudan by capturing Al-Fashir and forming a separate government.
Al-Samani also revealed that the joint forces have shifted from defending Al-Fashir to launching counterattacks across multiple fronts, achieving progress in areas like Wadi Miyaram, Wadi Ambar, and the Zarq region, which houses the largest logistical bases of the Rapid Support Forces.
**Darfur Liberation:
Brigadier General Amin Majzoub Ismail, a military and political affairs researcher, said that the participation of the armed movements had a significant impact on the balance of power, particularly in Darfur. Their intervention in the battles of Al-Fashir pushed the Rapid Support Forces to retreat and shift to other areas, as joint forces operations expanded.
He explained that the armed movements are familiar with the combat style of the militias, as it mirrors the tactics they have used for decades.
**International Community’s Silence:
The Rapid Support Forces continue to ignore international appeals and UN Security Council resolutions calling for the opening of humanitarian corridors, the lifting of sieges on Sudanese cities, and the protection of civilians. They have violated these directives in Al-Fashir, defying international organizations and the U.S. government.

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