
Al-Burhan at a military base…political messages and instructions to the SAF

Sudan Events – Talal Ismail- Talal Mudathir

In response to the resolved attacks of the RSF in the cities of Darfur, the Commander-in-Chief of the SAF Lt. Gen. Abdul Fatah Al-Burhan, quickly returned to Wadi Saydna military base in Khartoum State, amid developments in Jeddah forum.

Al-Burhan made a surprise visit to Wadi Syidna military area conveying several messages to many parts, including the SAF officers who surround the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, waiting for the zero hour of the military decision.

A video clip that was widely circulated in Sudan explained the Army Commander addressing the officers and non-commission offucers of the Wadi Syidna Air Base, where dozens of officers and non-commission officers were gathered around him, hoping to listen to his speech.

Al-Burhan addressed the officers, non-commissioned officers and summoners of the Wadi Saydna Military District, stressing that the armed forces would continue in the Battle of Karama until the rebellion was defeated.

He said that the armed forces went to Jeddah accordance with what was previously agreed upon, with the rebellion leaving civilian homes and government service facilities, and the streets, and there were no new items in the current negotiations.

Not giving up

He stressed that they did not and will not make any concessions to the rebels. Al-Burhan said that their going to Jeddah negotiations came for the sake of the Sudanese people and not because of fear or weakness, added that the enemy had always refused to stop attacking, so he accused them of the need for this negotiation.

Al-Burhan stressed that they are not afraid of the escalation of the rebels in Darfur, against the backdrop of multiple RSF attacks over last week that targeted military garrisons in Nyala, Zalingei, Al Fasher, andAl. Geneina, and the attacks also extended to oil fields in Kordofan.

Al-Burhan pointed out that the actions of the RSF in Darfur affirmed that they do not want peace. He continued, “The army is not afraid and will continue to fight them until the last soldier if they reject peace.”

He added that if the rebellion refuses peace and proceeds with peaceful solutions, there is no solution other than a military solution.

Loosen the reins

Al-Burhan showed clear anger towards people he did not name. He said that they show false concern for Sudan and gloat over the Sudanese army, describing them as a “hidden enemy” within the Sudanese, stressing that the army will fight the rebellion until the last soldier in its ranks in order to clean the capital, Darfur and all parts of Sudan, amid the cheers of the soldiers and their demands for it. By releasing the army’s hand and “loosing the reins,” which is a popular Sudanese saying that the soldiers have become accustomed to using, which means using full force to push the vehicle forward without restrictions.

Political and external messages

Al-Burhan’s speech to the SAF soldiers carried messages for the political forces and the international community.

Al-Burhan said that some politicians and political parties accepted the labor force and took it abroad, allied with the rebellion, to implement the agenda of countries that have an interest in dismantling Sudan and displacing its people.

He stressed that the armed forces will not allow the disintegration and collapse of Sudan, will not yield to any external pressure, and will not compromise the country’s sovereignty.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army issued instructions to the force to move forward from now on

Last Thursday, the two parties, the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Militia, resumed their negotiations in Jeddah, under Saudi-American sponsorship and with the participation of the African Union(.AU ) and IGAD. The negotiation rounds witnessed faltering due to the RSF continuing its attack on cities and army military divisions in the states of Darfur and Khartoum.

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