
Egypt: Arms Flowing Into Sudan is Fueling the Fire 

Sudan Events – Agencies  
Egyptian Foreign Minister Dr. Badr Abdel-Aty said that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan and that Western attention to the issue is extremely weak. He emphasized Egypt’s support for Sudan’s unity and the full backing of state institutions, stating that “the fragmentation and division of Sudan is a red line we will not tolerate.”
In an interview with Saudi Arabia’s “Al-Sharq” channel, the minister revealed Egypt’s significant efforts in Sudan, stating, “We were the first to gather all political factions in Cairo.”
He added, “There is a flow of weapons into Sudan, fueling the fire even more,” noting that Cairo is coordinating with all parties to reach a ceasefire. “We succeeded in convincing the Sudanese government to open the Idris border crossing with Chad.”
The minister also noted that Egypt is bearing enormous burdens due to the events in Sudan without international support, citing “a significant influx of Sudanese refugees into Egypt amid limited resources and a challenging economic situation due to the crises in Gaza, Ukraine, and the Suez Canal.”
Speaking about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) crisis, the Egyptian Foreign Minister reaffirmed Cairo’s commitment to its “water rights” in the Nile River, describing water as a matter of “life or death” for Egypt.
He pointed out that “Egypt is the only country that relies entirely on a single source of water, the Nile River,” stressing that the river “is a transboundary international waterway governed by international law.”
In response to a question about the possibility of military action regarding the dam, Abdel-Aty said, “We will defend our interests within the framework of international law.” He added, “Egypt is capable of defending its water security and will act in self-defense if threatened.”
The minister further stated that all negotiations with Ethiopia have been halted since 2023 due to Ethiopia’s intransigence and bad faith negotiations. He called for a binding legal agreement on the operation of the GERD, ensuring no harm to downstream nations.

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