
Eritrean Diplomacy: Struggles of Ambassadors Relocated from Khartoum to Adapt

Embassies Relocated from Khartoum Struggle to Adapt

Sudan Events – Agencies

Several embassies that previously covered Eritrea from the Sudanese capital have had to relocate to Ethiopia since the outbreak of the civil war over a year ago. However, the historical rivalry and rising tensions between Addis Ababa and Asmara complicate their mission.

Canada’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Joshua Tabah, who also handles relations with Djibouti, is seeking accreditation in both Khartoum and Asmara. As a result, two additional Canadian diplomats have been assigned to Addis Ababa in preparation for covering Sudan, which has been engulfed in civil war since April 2023.

However, this process is taking time due to strained relations between neighboring countries in the region. Former Canadian Ambassador to Sudan, Philippe LeBlond, had been managing Eritrean affairs remotely until the Canadian Embassy in Khartoum was closed. The historical tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea complicate the process of obtaining this valuable accreditation from Asmara.

When contacted, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that it “continues to rely on its network of missions and resources in Ottawa in the absence of a presence in Khartoum.” It added that “additional personnel are being deployed to the Canadian Embassy in Ethiopia, which will focus on strengthening regional engagement.”

Since the beginning of the war in Sudan, diplomats in the region have faced difficulties in covering Eritrea. As foreigners are restricted from traveling beyond a 25 km radius of Asmara, several countries had relied on their ambassadors in Khartoum for coverage. However, when fighting intensified in the Sudanese capital, these diplomatic missions moved their operations to Addis Ababa, Nairobi, and Cairo.

For instance, the Dutch Ambassador to Sudan, Wiebe de Boer, who replaced Irma van Dueren in 2023, settled in Addis Ababa. Like Canada, the Netherlands opted to transfer accreditation for Eritrea to its ambassador in Kenya, Henk Jan Bakker, who also handles Somalia. Among other non-resident embassies for Eritrea, previously based in Khartoum, South Korea, Norway, Indonesia, and Switzerland were also forced to relocate.

As of July 1, 2023, Switzerland decided to transfer consular services for Sudan and Eritrea to its Kenyan embassy. Until now, diplomatic responsibilities had been managed from the Swiss capital, Bern. By the end of the year, accreditation for Sudan will be transferred to Cairo, while Eritrea will be covered from Nairobi.

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