
“Al-Halfaya Resistance” Clears Army of Killing Volunteers

Sudan Events – Reports
The Steering Committee of the Resistance and Change Committees in Halfaya El Mulk denied reports circulating about the deaths of volunteers from the Halfaya Emergency Room by the Armed Forces, stating that “all residents are safe, and Halfaya is fine.”
In a statement issued on Saturday, Al-Halfaya Resistance congratulated the citizens of Halfaya El Mulk for being “free of clashes and conflicts, and free from militias who inflicted suffering on Halfaya’s residents through killing, torture, displacement, humiliation, and looting of property.” The statement wished “continued joy and the liberation of the larger homeland, with security and peace prevailing.”
The statement added, “Halfaya, which once woke to the words of Idris Jamal and the tunes of Bashir Abbas, is now rising again with voices filled with joy and successive victories from its southernmost part, Zargaa, to the proud Halfaya Bridge in the north.”

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