
Foreign Minister: Sudan will not accept any solutions from abroad

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Foreign Minister Hussein Awad affirmed that Sudan will not accept any solutions imposed from abroad, stressing that the war has revealed Sudan’s true friends and that some countries have allied with the devil against Sudan to serve their own interests, disregarding their relationship with the country.
In an interview with the “Future Center for Strategic Studies and Risk Assessment,” Awad responded to accusations of the Sudanese army targeting the UAE ambassador’s residence in Khartoum by saying: “The Sudanese army has principles, is one of the oldest and strongest armies in Africa, and adheres to the rules of engagement under international law, guided by legal and divine principles.”
Regarding the rumors about a five-nation summit chaired by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on October 23 to arrange a meeting between Burhan and Hemedti to discuss Sudan’s war, Minister Awad stated: “A five-nation committee was formed by the African Union’s Peace and Security Council under the leadership of President Museveni regarding Sudan. However, this committee is flawed because the African Union suspended Sudan’s membership. The Union will have no role unless Sudan’s membership is reinstated, and only then can it contribute to resolving Sudan’s issues. Sudan will not accept any solutions imposed from abroad, whether by Museveni or anyone else, as Sudanese affairs are for Sudan and its people. Any decisions made without Sudan’s involvement are irrelevant to it.”
When asked if the war to cleanse the country from rebels has revealed Sudan’s enemies and allies among regional and global powers, and about Sudan’s new alliances to secure mutual interests, he replied: “The war has exposed Sudan’s true friends. Some countries have allied with the devil for their own gain, driven by political money from forces of evil. Sudan is a member of the UN Charter, and its relations will be based on alliances with nations deserving of it. The next phase will solidify Sudan’s ties with countries that supported it during this crisis while excluding those who were swayed by political money.”

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