
The “Non-African Union”: Agent of Imperialism

By: Ali Askouri
President Burhan left no room for further elaboration with his strong, clear, and direct criticism of the “Non-African Union” during his meeting with its delegation. He concluded by affirming that our country does not need organizations that are indifferent to its issues and to the invasion our people have suffered (we don’t need them)!
The President expressed the feelings of his people, capturing the disappointment of citizens who once believed this to be a continental institution owned by Africans. But adversities reveal hidden truths. The “Non-African Union” has lost a people who could have supported it when the tables turn on others. Instead, it chose to stab our people in the back at a time when we were in dire need of its support and solidarity!
One of the most important truths revealed by the current war in Sudan is the subservience of the “Non-African Union” to imperialism and its role as a political pimp serving it against African peoples. Under Moussa Faki’s leadership, the “Non-African Union” openly engages in political pimping for imperialism, contradicting the very goals it was established to achieve, particularly its stance against foreign intervention in the continent.
The silence of the “Non-African Union” on the UAE’s intervention in our country means nothing but its complicity in the conspiracy through collusion. Despite all the evidence and documents confirming the UAE’s involvement in invading our country, the “Non-African Union” failed to issue a statement condemning the UAE or demanding it cease its intervention in Africa and its war on Sudan by providing weapons, ammunition, logistics, and mercenaries. I had personally demanded on multiple occasions for them to issue a statement against the UAE, urging it to stop its interference in Sudan, but they neither did so nor will they. The jingling of coins is louder than the screams of the violated!
Corruption and bribery have become a prominent feature among the officials of the “Non-African Union,” and of course, the UAE’s purse is well-stocked to buy the silence of this institution, which, according to its founding charter, is supposed to defend the countries and citizens of the continent, protecting their interests and right to life.
How else can we explain the silence of the “Non-African Union” on the UAE’s involvement in the invasion of Sudan? Who in the Commission has been paid off?
I do not understand why we still care about the visits of officials from the “Non-African Union” to our country and allow them to meet with the state’s leadership. In reality, these are mere public servants with no real authority (they can’t even lift a finger) and most of them have limited their roles to taking bribes and remaining silent. The institution has become a clay camel and has lost the respect of African peoples altogether, as it became clear that many of its leaders are corrupt!
I had hoped that they wouldn’t have been granted permission to visit our country in the first place, especially since, as public servants, they were involved in the paid-for, insulting decision to suspend our country’s membership. If there’s any benefit from the visit, their meetings should have been limited to the undersecretary of foreign affairs and no higher.
It’s essential to point out here that one of the key reasons the United Kingdom left the European Union was the power of unelected bureaucrats in the European Commission over elected governments. The UK leaders argued that they, as elected officials, could not accept the authority of public servants over their country and its policies. This core issue led to the UK’s exit from the union, as the British would never accept the authority of bureaucrats from Germany and France over their country, considering the long history between those nations.
Now, the “Non-African Union” is granting unelected public servants significant power over sovereign states, affecting their sovereignty and critical decisions. Regardless of the political systems in African countries, unelected officials should not be given authority over any sovereign state. From our experience in this war, we’ve seen how those officials abused their authority and used it as a vehicle for those who pay, thinking they could dictate to the peoples what they should or shouldn’t do. Thus, it has become necessary to revoke the power of the Commission to suspend the membership of countries and transfer that authority to the Assembly of Heads of State to decide in a special session. This would free us from allowing public servants powers they don’t deserve, which they have grossly exploited, practicing unprecedented corruption in alignment with imperialist interests.
We can add to the above, in addition to their complicity with imperialism and corruption, the “Non-African Union’s” hypocrisy and betrayal of its own principles. According to the Union’s documents, anyone involved in managing a transitional period is not allowed to participate in the subsequent elections. Yet, the “Non-African Union” quickly reneged on this when it came to a country employed by the UAE in its war on Sudan. The Union, as everyone knows, allowed Chadian President Mohamed Déby to run in and win a fraudulent election, which the “Non-African Union” acknowledged, allowing Chad to continue its membership as if nothing had happened! Indeed, UAE money works magic! While the Union did this openly, it simultaneously refuses to allow the leaders of Niger and Mali to run in the upcoming elections. This blatant hypocrisy further confirms the extent of bribery the UAE has engaged in within the Commission, causing its officials to betray their own written rules!
This double standard and lack of principles is what has led all Africans to mock this farce known as the African Union.
It’s worth noting that the “Non-African Union” repeatedly claims to oppose foreign intervention in Africa, as stated in its documents. In the African Peace and Security Council’s communiqué PSC/PR/COMM.1168 (2023) issued on August 14, 2023, regarding Niger, paragraph (14) states:
“Strongly rejects any external interference by any actor or any country outside the Continent in the peace and security affairs in Africa including engagements by private military companies in the continent in line with the 1977 OAU Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa.”
This statement, which clearly rejects foreign intervention in Africa, was issued four months after the outbreak of war in our country. Despite that, the “Non-African Union” has yet to issue a statement rejecting the UAE’s proven intervention in our country. As if the UAE were some region south of Shangali Tobaya! One wonders how much the UAE paid to buy the Commission’s silence!
Finally, Article (31) of the Union’s founding charter grants any country the right to withdraw from the Union if it so desires.
Now, after all the conspiracies and corruption committed by the “Non-African Union” against our country, and its silence in the face of foreign invasion, I believe it is more honorable for us to submit a request to withdraw from this corrupt institution (we don’t need them and won’t go to them). Let them go and practice their corruption and double standards with other countries. We have no need for an agent of imperialism, as we can deal with imperialism directly! I believe that our people and our country have no need to be a member of an institution led by corrupt officials who have turned it into a pimp and agent for imperialism!
This land is ours.

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