
Sudan letter to security council

The President of the Security Council presents her compliments to the members of the Council and has the honour to transmit herewith, their information, a copy of a letter dated II October 2024 from the Permanent Representative of the Sudan to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council, and its enclosures.

This and its enclosures will be issued as a document of the Security under the symbol s/ 2024/733.
11 October 2024

Upon instructions from my government and following our previous communications to the Security Council, the most recent of which is dated 10 September, 2024, I wish to once again highlight the ongoing demonic aggression by the United Arab Emirates against Sudan, specifically through its military, financial, media and diplomatic support to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This lawless behavior represents a grave violation of Sudan’s sovereignty and an unacceptable interference in my country’s internal affairs as it constitutes a serious breach of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter.
Please find attached to this letter photos showing fighters of the RSF receiving treatment at Zayed Military Hospital in Abu Dhabi. These photos leave no doubt that the UAE is not merely an indirect supporter but a vicious key frontline player in the war of aggression aiming at destroying SAF. It is no secret that the UAE continues to provide extensive and wide-ranging support to the militia, facilitating thereby their commission of heinous atrocities and war crimes against Sudanese civilians, with hideous and savage cruelty. This support, including medical services for RSF insurgents wounded in combat, further substantiates the UAE’s direct involvement in fueling the conflict and destruction of thousands of innocent people.
Moreover, concerning the logistical support provided by the UAE to the RSF militia, during the battles of “Jabal Moya” last week in Sennar State, central Sudan; the Sudanese Armed Forces found large transport trucks with Dubai license plates. The captured documents in the battle field evidently prove that these vehicles originated from the UAE and were used to transport supplies and combat equipment for the rebel militia. Additionally, medications and medical supplies provided by the UAE to the militia were found, showing the place of manufacture in the UAE with recent production and expiry dates. All this material evidence including ammunition boxes with their postal address are currently available in Sudan and can be examined by United Nations experts.
The UAE’s systematic assistance to injured RSF fighters and provision of logistical support is but one facet of its blatant interference in Sudan. There are growing credible reports that the UAE is actively recruiting mercenaries from various countries to deploy them to Sudan to fight alongside the RSF. This illegal conduct mirrors the same ‘modus operandi’ the UAE has employed in other countries, where it has recruited fighters from different countries to expand its influence and advance its national interests at the expense of people’s safety and security.
Such hostile acts, characterized by persistent interference in the internal affairs of our nation and the use of unlawful force and mercenaries, place the UAE in the category of a one-of-a-kind rogue state, that actively seeks to destabilize different countries in the region, posing a genuine threat to international peace and security and pursuing establishment Of anarchial societies. The UAE aggression against Sudan and the loss of life it has caused and the horror it has caused is a paramount example.
Sudan, in its struggle to regain stability and restore internal peace and order, denounces such holocaust that fomented the crisis and prolonged the conflict. The UAE’s support for the RSF is not only an intervention in Sudan’s affairs but also an endorsement of racially supremacist terrorist group who are determined to undermine the security of the Sudanese state and dismantle its social fabric, a matter that cannot be condoned or tolerated without imposing sanctions on this rogue state.
In light of these alarming developments, the Government of Sudan urges the United Nations Security Council to take a firm and unequivocal stance against the litany of the UAE’s aggressive actions. We demand that the UAE’s aggression against the Sudanese people be condemned in the strongest possible terms, and we emphasize the need to hold the UAE fully accountable under international law for actions that blatantly violate the principles of international law and the UN Charter. Supporting militias, providing financial and military assistance to them, and destabilizing sovereign nations are demonic acts that should be faced by both civil and criminal accountability.
We call upon the international community, particularly members of the Security Council, and peace-loving countries to stand with Sudan during this critical time and take the necessary steps to deter the UAE from continuing on its devastating and hostile path. Ignoring these actions will only lead to further escalation in the region and risks igniting broader conflicts that could adversely impact the security and stability of the entire international community. Silence from the international community regarding violations Of the UN Charter will only embolden the UAE and other neighbouring countries to persist in their aggression, that destabilizes the peace and security, in a largely divided world order. We hope that our message will receive your attention and be translated into practical measures that ensure justice and protect the Sudanese people from foreign interventions that serve narrow agendas of rogue states at the expense of their right to live in peace and stability.
The UAE is defying the UN System in its support of the RSF guerrilla war against the unity of our country, as it fears the possibility of an imminent victory of the SAF. They support a racially supremacist militia, and this unwise stance could promote toxic ideology, with the possibility of upsetting the race relations across the Sahel. They call this struggle for democracy, while it’s more or less a schizophrenic poisonous endeavour that would breed turbulent guerrilla order with countless and chaotic consequences.
We urge the SC to defend the state against supremacist migratory settlers and war lords that are motivated by the greed of looting and ethnic purging through warfare. This would even manufacture new ethnic rival armies whose ability to destroy is unlimited and could wipe out states or reshape them forcibly under the mercy of a new wave of settlers who are stoking a riverain Eldorado. The hesitation of the SC in managing this new phenomenon would pave the way for it to be a counter-productive bitten reality, let alone it’s embedded into a new anti-civilian and democratic order. The SC shouldn’t allow, or seem unable to act against a supremacist migratory settler project that materializes through sword and fire, as similar projects had failed in the past.
I would be grateful if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the Security Council.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

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