
Tens of Thousands Flee Villages in North Darfur Attacked by Militia

Sudan Events – Agencies

Local leaders reported on Friday that about 40,000 people fled to Chad following violent attacks carried out by the Rapid Support Forces militia and allied militias on 13 villages in the northwest part of North Darfur State.
Adam Maza, a member of the Zaghawa tribal council, told Sudan Tribune that “40,000 people fled to the border with Chad after the Rapid Support Forces and allied militias burned down about 33 villages in the Kuttum locality of North Darfur State.”
He explained that most of the displaced have reached the town of Al-Tina on the border with Chad and are in dire humanitarian conditions due to the lack of aid.
He indicated that the displaced are living outdoors without shelter, revealing that he contacted the Darfur Regional Government, the central government, and international and regional organizations, urging them to take urgent action to provide humanitarian assistance.
He accused the Rapid Support Forces and allied Arab tribal militias of committing widespread atrocities against thousands of the displaced, mostly from the Zaghawa ethnic group, including ethnically motivated killings, looting of money, and livestock theft.

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