Plan for the Agricultural Season in the Gezira Scheme

Gezira Scheme Governor Ibrahim Mustafa confirmed that his administration is preparing an agricultural plan for the new season, aiming to govern the work within the project, clarify production relationships among partners, address irrigation issues, and introduce modern technologies to enhance production according to global standards. There will also be a focus on organizing the agricultural cycle, in light of the state’s high-level attention to the Gezira Project.
During the closing of the field tour program on Sunday, which included areas like Al-Jamusi, Al-Shawal, Matouq, and Al-Makashi, the Governor instructed farmers to maintain clean fields and remove mesquite trees, which are a real threat to agriculture, production, and the economy in Sudan.
The Governor of Gezira Scheme observed irrigation bottlenecks due to silt and weed accumulation in several channels and waterways in the Tafatish Al-Ajuba and Al-Tamad, as well as the Dafar area in Al-Matore. He called on the irrigation management to urgently deploy excavation equipment to remove the silt and increase water levels to secure water needs for crops and drinking purposes.