
The Noble Al-Ayilfoun… And the Legend of the Sword and the Prince!

Dr. Muzamil Abu Al-Qasim

Many have written about the steadfastness of the heroes of the General Command, the Signal Corps, the Armored Corps (the armored fort), the Ammunition Corps in Al-Shajara, and the Texas Cavalry (the Engineering Corps) in the face of the modern-day Qarmatians. They have also written about the courage, daring, and heroism of the Kadrawiya Scorpions (the Kadro Ammunition Corps), and about the bravery and intuition of the Lion-hearted Hatab.
They also wrote about the legendary resilience of the Sultan’s fortress (Adab Al-Aasi and the Lion’s Mustache), which withstood nearly two hundred attacks and became a legend of resilience and a graveyard for the looting invaders.
They also wrote about the steadfastness of the heroic garrison of Sinnar (the capital of the Blue Kingdom), and the legend of the 22nd division in Babnusa… the brothers of the brave Major General Maowiya and the heroic Colonel Hassan Dermot, who made the rebels pay dearly. And they wrote about the steadfastness, manhood, courage, and bravery of the heroes of the 14th Infantry Division of Kadugli, who faced both militia forces and the forces of Al-Hilu simultaneously and defeated both, yet few have mentioned the legendary resilience shown by the Engineers Corps in Al-Ayilfoun, led by the courageous and heroic Colonel Amir Ibrahim Said (Class 43) and later by Colonel Saif Al-Yazil Khalifa (Class 42). This is a resilience that will be immortalized in history, worthy of being written in gold and studied in the world’s greatest military academies.
A small, limited-force unit belonging to the Engineers Corps (supported by two battalions under the Eastern command, one led by the heroic Colonel Nour Tiba) was stationed in a small camp in the city of Al-Ayilfoun. This unit managed to hold out against a long siege, successive attacks, and intense bombardment that lasted for more than a year.
This force was surrounded, bombarded, and starved, yet it stood firm, endured, and fought like heroes. It even managed to launch precise special operations to strike back at the rebels, until the siege was lifted today when it joined forces with the army, the Operations Authority, the Sudanese Shield, and the mobilized troops in a glorious evening when the tears of men were shed, and the women of Al-Ayilfoun ululated, while its children jumped for joy and gratitude to Allah Almighty.
What many do not know is that the great officer, Colonel Saif Al-Yazil Khalifa, and the heroic prince Amir (son of the noble city of Al-Ayilfoun) led this legendary resistance with rare efficiency, outstanding courage, and a determination that saw them fight alongside their soldiers, shoulder to shoulder in the trenches. The latter even refused to leave the camp, even to rescue his small family, and instead sent one of his soldiers to them after the marauding criminals attacked Al-Ayilfoun and abused its people.
The two great officers employed all their military and administrative experience to organize their limited force, prepare their defenses with the help of fellow officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the camp, and succeeded in closing all the routes leading to the camp. They then turned it into a killing ground, every time the Janjaweed attacked, they annihilated thousands of them and eventually drove them out of the city. They expanded the defenses and made the criminals feel the wrath of their special operations, until they fled from Al-Ayilfoun.
On the sidelines of the battles, Saif Al-Yazil and his companion Amir fought another brutal and fierce battle. They focused on managing the limited resources of ammunition, food, and medicine, enabling their soldiers to continue holding out. They achieved success that will be remembered for generations.
Today, they are entitled to celebrate their resounding victory, and we are entitled to celebrate with them, carry them in our hearts or under the clouds, and draw them portraits of love, loyalty, and appreciation in all the colors of the flag. This is after the Knights of Al-Ayilfoun broke the siege and regained their beautiful city, cleansing its radiant face from the filth of the criminals.
Salute to the Lions of Al-Ayilfoun, who wrote legends of glory, pride, and heroism. They became the symbol of courage, bravery, resilience, and love. And our full appreciation goes to their leader, the shining sword of Sudan, and his companion, the heroic prince, to their officers, knights, and their martyr soldiers, who stood by their leaders and, more importantly, by the trust of all the people of Sudan, who today celebrate the return of the noble Al-Ayilfoun (the land of the Qibla, the Sajada, and the Qur’an) to the embrace of the dear homeland.
Allahu Akbar, and may the eyes of the collaborators, traitors, and Janjaweed never sleep. Indeed, the Janjaweed are filthy and deceitful.

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