
Emergency lawyers: RSF Hospital Attack Subject to ICC Trial

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

A statement issued by Sudan Emergency Lawyers, a civil rights body concerned with documenting violations, said that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked Monday morning the city of Rifa’a in Gezira State, terrorized civilians, stormed the hospital and opened fire inside, killing two people and wounding others. They also destroyed the hospital and terrorized working medical staff.
It also attacked the market and the police station, and many civilians were injured.
The emergency statement condemned the attack, noting that there were no military formations or armed forces in Rifa’a.
Emergency lawyers warned the RSF that this behavior violates the rules of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions regarding the protection of civilians, and that hospitals and civilian homes are among the civilian objects covered by protection, and any systematic attack on them is considered a war crime that makes its perpetrators subject to appearing before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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