
Amnesty International: stop attacking civilians in Medani

Sudan Event/Follow-ups

Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Tigiri Chagota,on Wednesday said they were deeply concerned about the current suffering civilians are undergoing Wad Madani, Gezira state, who fled the city in a state of fear and panic after the Rapid Support Forces took control of it.
He called on the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces to protect civilians and provide safe passages for those who want to leave the areas affected by violence.
Chagota added that the city of Wad Madani has been operating as a center for humanitarian action since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan eight months ago, and that the cessation of humanitarian operations due to insecurity exacerbates the already dire situation.
He also pointed out that many of those detained in and fleeing Wad Madani are people who fled Khartoum in search of security when the conflict broke out in April, calling on all parties to the conflict in Sudan to ensure urgent access to humanitarian aid for citizens inside and outside Wad Madani.

“For eight months, the Sudanese have been suffering from inescapable fears as a result of the deliberate and indiscriminate attacks launched by the warring parties, in addition to the sexual assaults targeting women and girls, the targeting of civilian facilities such as hospitals and places of worship, and the spread of looting on a large scale.” Said Chagota. “We call for respect for international humanitarian law and an end to attack on civilians and civil infrastructure.” He added.
The fighting caused the displacement of 300,000 people from Gezira State to the states of Sinnar, Gadaref, Blue Nile and Kassala between December 15 and 18, according to the International Organization for Migration.

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