
Advisor: RSF Actions Typically “Israeli”

Sudan Events/Follow-ups

Amjad Farid, former advisor to Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, said:
The Rapid Support militia (RSF) continued its siege on Madani and effectively turned it into a large prison – similar to what the Israelis created in Gaza and took its residents hostage.
Amjad added in a post on Wednesday on (X) platform that since news of the attack on “Wad Medani” became public, its residents and displaced people have rushed to leave.
The militia invaded the Rifa’a area, east of the city, then the Hantoub area, and committed atrocities of looting and intimidation. The RSF repeated the same scenes they committed in Khartoum, El Geneina, and in every area their forces invaded in Sudan.
Humanitarian agencies announced that more than 300,000 citizens were displaced from Wad Medani in the first two days of the militia attack, while the numbers during the days that followed reached about five hundred thousand who became victims of successive displacement. Amjad added that on December 19, the militia prevented the displaced people trying to flee Wad Medani from leaving the city, and invited them – in an absurd scene mocking reality – to continue their lives normally.
Video clips from civilians documented their invasion of the Coptic Church farm in the eastern city of Wad Medani.
The militia members recorded videos of themselves carrying their machine guns, and trying to blackmail and intimidate the church monks to get out of them with a word of praise for the RSF, without paying attention to the prohibition of entering the church with weapons in the first place.
While pictures of the looting of banks and the burning of the headquarters of the Central Bank of Sudan in the city spread in the news.

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