
Reasons of Mining Revenues Decline

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The delegation of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company Limited (SMRC), headed by the Director General, Mohamed Taher Omer, discussed the reasons for the decline in revenues and the drop in production for mining residues companies in Berber locality, in the River Nile State. The delegation, which includes the Assistant Director General for Technical Affairs, and the Director of the General Administration for Supervision and Control of Production Companies, the Director of the General Administration of Traditional Mining, the Legal Department, the Mining Police, and the Security and Economics of Minerals discussed the reasons for the drop in production and the decline in revenues in the previous period, with stakeholders from the executive branch of the locality, operating companies and the local community, (Thursday). The meeting came out with complete agreement to address all the problems that accompanied the previous period and working to increase production and maximize revenues.
The Director General of the SMRC, Mohamed Taher Omer, pledged to remove the obstacles facing activity in the locality, pointing to the agreement on a road map to stabilize companies’ activity in the coming period, in order to provide services and support the national economy at this stage that the country is going through. Mohamed Taher heralded that the outcomes of the meeting will bear fruit in the near future and will reflect positively on the provision of services to the River Nile State, Berber locality, the local community, and the national economy, stressing the necessity of adhering to environmental requirements and practicing safe mining activity to preserve the safety of everyone and the country’s resources.
For his part, the Executive Director of the Berber locality, Hassan Ibrahim Karar, said that the meeting addressed all the problems facing mining activity in the locality, developed solutions for them, and emphasized providing assistance to companies to increase production and achieve common goals.
In this context, Al-Jaali Khalaf Allah Al-Khalifa, representative of the Wet Mills Division and a member of the Mining Union, said that the meeting approved the continuation of work for companies operating in the mining residues sector, and that the continuation of activity would advance the local economy and increase the local community’s share of mining revenues. Al-Jaali praised the transparency in presenting issues and diagnosing problems, stressing the need to pay attention to security aspects and send military reinforcements to mining areas and markets.
In turn, the representative of mining residues companies in Berber locality, Tariq Mubarak, considered the meeting a good start for the companies’ conditions to return to their previous status quo. He described the meeting as a “valuable” one that brought together all parties related to the mining process in the locality. Tariq expressed his happiness that the meeting put all issues on the table for discussion and providedgy radical solutions that can return production to its previous levels .

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