
Biden: No second-term Agenda

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla., is the human embodiment of all the Democratic-leaning constituencies who are souring on President Joe Biden: He’s young, he’s progressive, he’s Black and Latino.
And the 26-year-old freshman believes the president is struggling with voters of his background because they haven’t heard a compelling agenda, outlining how Biden would improve their lives, that would motivate them to elect him to a second term.
“That’s the key to the re-election,” Frost, warning that it’s “not enough” to tout the achievements of the last two years or trash likely GOP opponent Donald Trump. “We also have to talk about what are the plans for 2025, 2026 and beyond.
Biden is entering the election year with strikingly poor ratings among key Democratic-friendly groups who were critical to his 2020 victory. A recent NBC News poll found him trailing Trump nationally by 44% to 46% — and vastly underperforming his 2020 margins among Black, Latino and young voters under 35. The poll said his approval rating is a mere 31% among voters under 35, whom Democrats need to carry in big numbers to have a shot at victory.
In interviews, young voters who responded to the poll and aren’t sold on Biden said their lives haven’t improved much under his presidency, and they’re unsure that will change in a second term. They’re disappointed by his failure to codify Roe v. Wade and cancel student debt. They want more action on climate change (even though he signed the most robust climate action law in U.S. history) and they disagree with his support for Israel as it continues to bombard the Gaza Strip.

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