
Mahdi criticizes proposed two generals meeting

Khartoum – Sudan Events

Mr. Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, head of the Umma Party, has criticized a proposed meeting between lieutenant general Abdul Fatah al Buran and the RSF head Gen Mohamed Hamdan Daglo in an article he wrote in his Facebook page,
“I received many questions about the announcement of a planned meeting between Al-Burhan and Hemedti, one of them from a Ugandan official, so I wrote the attached comment.” He said. “The idea of resolving the war by meeting the two generals is naive.” “The meeting between the leadership of the two parties always takes place after a secret negotiation at a level of people trusted by both parties, discussing the horizon of the solution, the concerns of the two parties, and how to address them. After that, the two leaders meet to secure what was agreed upon, then deliberate and try to agree on the difficult fundamental points that the assistants of the two parties are usually unable to agree on. Of course, this did not happen, and there are issues that go beyond the two generals, such as the political future of Sudan’s rule and the damage that rapid support caused to citizens and the looting of their property.” He added.
” The other side is that Hemedti, dead or alive, has been absent from sight for 7 months, and no meeting was announced between him and any Western, American or European official, nor any international, African, or Arab official. All that is said about his presence are artificial intelligence recordings and claims of speaking to him by phone from people who do not speak Arabic, he does not speak English, and the calls are audio, not video.” “It was necessary to verify first that he is alive and medically fit through a dialogue between him and the mediators in order to reach an agreement with him on the prospects for ending the war, because Hemedti’s disappearance in the first place is not an escape from his responsibilities, but rather it is supposed to be to preserve his life in war zones so that he can fulfill his responsibilities and not for fear of Western and regional officials.” He concluded.

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