
Destruction of 45 Tons of Expired Soft Drinks

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Today, the Sudanese Authority for Standardization and Metrology of the White Nile State in Sudan destroyed about 45 tons of expired soft drinks that did not conform to specifications and standards at the waste dump west of the city of Kosti. Alongside this act was the Consumer Protection and Economic Security Prosecution and the Supply Investigations. This was following a voluntary notification of the expiration of these drinks by one of the distribution companies.

Engineer Magdy Siddiq Al-Hajj, Director of the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Authority, White Nile State Branch, appreciated the great effort made by the authority and its partners in spreading awareness and spreading the culture of standardization among merchants and distributing companies. Such and act prompted a large number of companies and merchants to immediately report expired and spoiled goods, which confirms the success of awareness programs among producers and consumers in protecting the consuming public.

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