
China says, “Palestine is now in a critical situation”

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned Friday that “Palestine is now in a critical situation,” and the ongoing conflict “has caused heavy civilian casualties.”

In a joint press conference with the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, on Friday, China’s top diplomat reiterated that Beijing is on the side of “fairness and justice” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Warning that the humanitarian situation for Palestinians “is rapidly deteriorating,” Wang said that China “condemns all acts that harm civilians and opposes any violation of international law.”

He also listed four priorities China deems “pressing given the severity of the current situation.”

Firstly, as per Wang, the urgent need is to “stop the fighting as soon as possible” to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Secondly, to adhere to international humanitarian law and prevent a severe disaster by opening “a humanitarian rescue and assistance passage as quickly as possible,” Wang said.

Thirdly, according to the diplomat, it is for the “relevant countries” to “exercise restraint, take an objective and just position, work for de-escalation of the conflict.”

Fourthly, Wang suggested that “the UN should play its due role” and build international consensus and “take real measures” to achieve the first three goals.

Wang said that “China is communicating with the relevant parties” and added that Beijing “will provide emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza Strip and the Palestinian National Authority through the UN.”

He also said that “the injustice to Palestine has dragged on for over half a century” and called to end it with “the two-state solution and an independent State of Palestine,” saying: “This is how Palestine and Israel could coexist in peace.”

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