
Summer Season Harvest Inauguration at Rahed Scheme

Sudan Events -Rehab AbuAlah

Minister of Agriculture in Sudan, Dr. Abu Baker Omer Al Bushra, inaugurated today’s Sunday Summer season crops Maize, Cotton and bee nuts at the Al Rahed agricultural scheme, promising to realize high productivity.

For his part, Al Rahed scheme general director Abdul Azim Abdulqani commented on working to facilitate obstacles and problems facing irrigation in the coming phase with the irrigation department.

Al Rahed agricultural director Atif Mahmoud Hamed explained that the cultivated areas in the Summer season are 25,000 fedan Bea nuts and 18,000 fedan. In comparison, the maize area is 80,000 fedan, calling on the Ministry of Agriculture to facilitate combating birds attacking the maize crop in the area situated in the bordering strip between Gezira and Gedarif states at Al Rahed scheme.

The Chairperson of the Al Rahed farmers organization called on the agricultural Bank to buy the crops to prevent the farmers from the black market merchants and brokers.

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