
Sudanese MoH and Qatar Red Crescent Sign Framework Agreement on 2024 Priorities

Khartoum – Sudan Events

The meeting between the Sudanese Ministry of Health and the Qatari Red Crescent reviewed a detailed report on the current health situation in Sudan, the problems and obstacles facing the implementation of various activities, and the effective role of the Qatari Red Crescent in supporting health services through activities and assistance and through the implementation of the Qatari support plan.

The Director of the Qatar Red Crescent Sudan Office, Dr. Salah Al-Daak, indicated during the meeting with the Undersecretary in charge, Dr. Khalil Muhammad Ibrahim, in the latter’s office in the quarantine in Port Sudan (Tuesday), the program and projects that have been implemented and are being implemented, the proposed programs for the coming months of November and December, and the proposed plan and programs for next year that will be Implementing it according to the terms of reference of the Ministry’s plan through a framework agreement to determine priorities for the year 2024.

The meeting noted the priority of supporting the health system and others in many states, intervening in the fight against epidemics, and supporting the provision of laboratory equipment for blood banks in Sudan.
As for the agent, the Crescent’s growing role and contribution to the health sectors.

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