Areas in Al-Gezira Scheme out of Production

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Farmers in Gezira Scheme revealed in a memorandum submitted to the Governor of Gezira Scheme, Dr. Omar Muhammad Marzouk, that large areas of the project’s sections had left the production circle for irrigation shortfalls due to the increase, which they described as unjustified, in water service fees.
Gezira Schmes’se governor immediately decided to reduce water fees to (10) thousand pounds per acre instead of (25) thousand.
The Director of the General Department of Irrigation Operations in the Gezira Project, Gism Allah Khalaf Allah confirmed that areas of summer crops of Winter had left the production department due to irrigation deficiencies in some of the peripheral sections of the project.
The leader of the Al-Jazeera project, Sufyan Al-Basha, called for the need to support irrigation and the agricultural sector and stressed that farmers must commit to supplying water fees after they were reduced to more than 60% by project management.