
SAF Member reveals Negotiations Issues with the RSF

Sudan Events – Alnour Ahmed Alnour

Sources in the Sudanese government said that the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) delegation to Jeddah negotiations will stick to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) implementation of evacuation of the residences of the citizens، public facilities, arrangements of disarmament and reintegration without discussing any political issues.
Meanwhile, the USA/Saudi mediation sent an invitation to SAF and RSF to resume the negotiations which were suspended early June after the pull out of SAF delegation in protest to the non -implementation of RSF to what is agreed on in Jeddah Forum Declaration signed last May which stipulated the RSF exit from the residences of the citizens and public facilities.
The new invitation concentrated that the priority will be easing the sufferings of the citizens, ceasefire and measures of trust-building between the two sides.
The Sudanese government delegation is led by Maj. Gen. Mahjoub Bashari and membership of Maj. Gen. Abu Bakr Fageeri, Ambassador Omer Siddig and Lt. Col. Talal Sulieman, while the RSF delegation is led by Brig. Omer Hamdan and membership of Mohammad Almukhtar, Izzeldin Alsafi and Faris Alnour.
For his part, member of SAF delegation told Aljazeera Net that they are heading to Jeddah to discuss the procedures of RSF implementation to what is stipulated in Jeddah Declaration especially the exit from the residences of the citizens, and public facilities, affirming that the stance of the “rebels” on the issue will determine the date of this round of negotiations.
He added that the other issues are related to humanitarian assistance, safe corridors and a truce to allow the citizens get the humanitarian aid and medication.
He affirmed that the second item of the negotiations is linked to security arrangements after the two parties reached, through mediated talks, understandings according to which the RSF will pull out from the Civilian sites to two camps to be determined 50 kilometers far from Greater Khartoum to be monitored by military observers led by Saudi Arabia to guarantee the withdrawal of the rebels and handing their heavy weapons and vehicles, pointing out that the trust-building arrangements include release of detainees and prisoners.
It is worth noting that Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Deputy Commander in Chief of SAF, Shams Addeen Kabbashi said yesterday, Monday, while addressing SAF officers in Karari military area, after his coming out from the army’s general command, that their stance on the humanitarian dossier is to respect the sovereignty of Sudan and preserving its national security.
He said that the security and military arrangements have clear bases which were clarified in Jeddah Declaration, so the details must be discussed, revealing that shifting to the political dossier is subject to the implementation of the two previous dossiers.
Kabbashi said that the RSF militia should be brought to book for its atrocities, adding “We are going to Jeddah negotiations to accomplish the negotiations of the humanitarian and security arrangements dossiers: the military operations will continue to achieve it’s goals. The victory is inching and no concessions to the rebels as they must be brought to book.
It to be noted that Jeddah Declaration included 9 humanitarian arrangements and 25 banned actions. The two parties pledged to oriiand distribute the humanitarian assistance, resumption of the basic services, pull out of RSF forces from the hospitals and public facilities.
The two parties also agreed on easing the access of humanitarian assistance workers to allow for the flow of the aid to the needy citizens without obstacles.
The main forbidden issues are stop of air strikes, and shelling by heavy weapons, drones, besides banning spy actions in road, sea and air, occupying hospitals and public facilities (power and water plants), arrests, detaining and using citizens as human shields.

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