
A video clip of a mass burial of Massalit people alive sparks anger in Sudan 

Sudan Events – Talal Mudathir
A short video clip showing atrocities committed by the Rapid Support militia in the town of El Genaina, West Darfur State capital, Western Sudan, has stirred up feelings of rage in Sudan.
 In the clip armed soldiers from the Rapid Support militia are surrounding a large pit, inside which a number of people were dumped, lying on their stomachs and heads on the ground, while three of their companions were busy spreading earth with their hands on the bodies of people still alive, trying to burying them.
 The clip further shows the soldiers speaking angrily with a person who tried to resist the burial process by raising his head, in addition to demonstrating anger at the slowness with which the three of their companions worked in the process of levelling the earth. The voices of the angry soldiers could be heard in the clip as they pull out the safety trigger of their weapons with the aim of finishing off the group by shooting them while the victims are still calling to beg being exempted from shooting.
 Activists and workers in the fields of human rights and organizations related to human rights said that the video was filmed in the city of El Genaina, particularly in the “Ardemta” area, which has been witnessing merciless ethnic cleansing against the “Masalit” tribe, which has an African feature, by the Rapid Support militias and their Arab militias allied with them since their control of the city in the first week of November.
 Last Wednesday, the United Nations Integrated Mission to Support the Transitional Phase in Sudan (UNITAMS) accused the Rapid Support Forces and the Arab militias allied with it of committing “serious violations” of human rights in West Darfur state, particularly in the Ardamta neighborhood of El Genaina, West Darfur.


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