
The SAF repels an Attack on its leadership, A new Militia Mobilization in “Jabal Awalia”

Sudan Events – Talal Mudathir

Local residents in the area of “Jabal Awalia” – south of Khartoum told “Sudan Events” on Tuesday that, a new mobilization of the rebel militia RSF came from the direction of the neighborhood “Saliha” south of Omdurman, where the militia fled on Sunday carrying away with them the spoils looted from citizens in addition to the assembly of some forces from the areas of southern Khartoum and east of Shaq Al- Neel locality preparing for a new attack on the area.

The village of “Al-Yaqout” in Jabal Awalia witnessed a displacement movement by residents due to new harassment by the militia.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning, the SAF and militia exchanged violent artillery shelling around the vicinity of the army command in the center of the capital, Khartoum, with columns of smoke rising.

The SAF announced, through its official spokesman, Monday, the defeat and expulsion of the militia that attacked Jabal Awlia area, inflicting huge human and material loss on them.

The fighting that broke out in Sudan between the Sudanese army and the RSF in mid-April forced more than 4.5 million people to flee their homes to other areas inside the country, and more than 1.2 million people are seeking refuge in neighboring countries, according to the United Nations Migration Agency.

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