
Armed Movements Siding with the Army welcomed

Sudan Event – Talal Mudathir

The Democratic Alliance for Social Justice in Sudan widely welcomes the position of the armed struggle Forces that signed the Juba Peace Agreement, the Darfur Track, rescinding their earlier positions of neutrality and take part in military operations on all fronts without hesitation.
Mohieldin Ibrahim Gumaa, the official spokesman for the alliance, said that in light of these new national positions of the armed struggle forces that signed the Juba Sudan Peace Agreement in support of defeating the rebellion and fighting the militia and mercenaries, they welcome these honorable positions of the movements that support and back the national path that the coalition began since the first day of the outbreak of the war.
The movements that signed the Juba peace agreement held a press conference in Port Sudan on Thursday, in which they announced cancelling previous positions of neutrality.
The alliance in the press conference also strongly condemned the violations of the rebel Rapid Support militia, its anti-national and violations against the civilians, and its committing of crimes against humanity.
The Coalition declared its adherence to the unity of Sudan, its land and its people, and that it would not neglect it. It warned the forces seeking to tear Sudan apart by seeking the help of foreign circles, mercenaries, and border crossers who seek to establish independent states on the ruins of the Sudanese state, and called on the Chadian leadership to immediately stop support and assistance to the militia in its war against Sudan.

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