Urgent statement from the Darfur Armed Movements

To all the Sudanese people and the people of Darfur in particular
We salute you with a sincere patriotic greeting
During the past months, our country has passed through a dangerous and unprecedented historical turning point as a result of the devastating war that wiped out the country we have always known, and the Sudanese people experienced all kinds of torment and endured various types of violations, including rape, killing, looting, burning, mutilation of victims, occupation of homes, kidnapping of women, and destruction of infrastructure.
Although this war is not like the previous wars for it directly targeted the citizens in their homes, security, and property, this is a new trend that threatens the unity of the Sudanese land and people.
Since the war harbingers started to reek, we have made great efforts, along with our brothers in the People’s Movement – North and others, to prevent the outbreak of this war, and we have communicated in all sincerity with the parties of the dispute, but it was too late.
After the outbreak of war on April 15, 2023, we made diligent movements and strenuous efforts to contain the situation nationally and internationally, as this required a neutral position as a necessary input for the mediator to be accepted by the parties to the dispute.
Because we signed the Juba Peace Agreement for Sudan in order to sustain it and build and reconstruct the nation through dialogue, we formed a joint force to protect the humanitarian and commercial convoys of the states of Kordofan and the Darfur regions, and to the constitutional leaders of the armed forces that signed the Juba Peace Agreement for Sudan played a notable role in strengthening the foundations of the Sudanese state and serving the citizen.
In an unjustified and unfortunate development of events, the Rapid Support Militia spread the war from Khartoum to Kordofan, then Darfur, and expanded to include other parts of Sudan, which made the division of the country became just around the corner. Therefore, we decided to stand against the project of fragmenting and dividing the country carried out by the Rapid Support Militia and its other foreign militias and mercenaries. We see that forming the war and the way it is practiced is the elimination of all components of Sudan.
These heinous practices include the assassination of children, women, the elderly, leaders of native administrations, civil society leaders, and human rights activists, and at the forefront of these is the Martyr Khamis Abkar, Governor of West Darfur, and symbols of the native administration such as Al-Farsha Mohamed Arbab, who is nearly ninety years old, and Al-Farsha/Abdul Basit Suleiman Dinah, along with Implementing a foreign agenda that seeks to dismantle Sudan.
The violations of the Rapid Support Militia have increased in killing unarmed citizens on the basis of race and opening dangerous detention centers in Khartoum, Umm Rawaba, Nyala, Zalingei, El Geneina, and the latest of them is Umm Kadada locality, as a result of fabricated political charges.
In view of this reality, we would like to announce our position through the following:
1- In the face of these practices, crimes against humanity and blatant violations of human rights, including the right to life, all of these practices are considered hostile to the homeland and the citizen, and therefore we declare our departure from neutrality, and we strongly condemn these violations by these militias and declare our strong resistance to these practices.
2- We declare our absolute adherence to the unity of Sudan, land and people, and we will not abandon it-our lives and our souls-and we will never allow the agenda of dismantling Sudan that is currently underway to be passed.
3- In light of the threat to the unity of Sudan, and the militia’s repeated attacks on cities and villages and the assault on, killing and dragging unarmed citizens, and in light of the threat now posed to humanitarian and commercial convoys by trying to cut off supply routes to cities and regions, all these developments make us abandon any neutrality and we declare our participation in the militant operation on all fronts without the slightest hesitation.
4- We strongly warn the forces that seek to tear apart the unity of Sudan by using foreign circles and mercenaries crossing the border and seeking to establish independent states on the ruins of the Sudanese state.
5- We call on our people in Sudan in general and Darfur in particular to unite the internal front to confront the threat of division. We stand firmly in the face of all internal and foreign conspiracies to tear Sudan apart. We will never allow Darfur to be a gateway to the disintegration of Sudan.
6- We call on the regional and international community, and all circles of Sudan’s affiliation, to take a clear stance to stop the war and preserve Sudan’s unity and national sovereignty, as also we call on the African Union in particular to stop the violations and crimes of genocide that are being committed now in its second session in Darfur.
7- With our deep gratitude to Chad for its role in supporting the people of Darfur in receiving refugees fleeing the hell of wars, and with our appreciation and thanks to the Chadian people for their stance in support of the Sudanese people, we call on the Chadian leadership to take a different position, which is to stop supporting and assisting the Rapid Support militias in their war against Sudan, and that is to stop supplying it with supplies, military equipment, and mercenaries by opening its borders, airspace, airports, and lands, something that the Chadian citizen attests to and denounces before the Sudanese citizen.
8- We call on some countries in the region that support the Rapid Support militias in their war against Sudan to immediately stop their blatant interference in Sudanese affairs.
Our vision the is as follows:
First: An immediate and permanent ceasefire.
Second: The necessity of unity in the role of the regional and international community in supporting the Sudanese-Sudanese solution, taking into account Sudan’s sovereignty and unity.
Third: Agreeing on a Sudanese national project negotiated through a Sudanese will.
May Allah grant us help,,,