
Shaping the Future of Change in Sudan… “Hidden Roots”!

By: Khalid Al-Easer

Many have been deceived by the slogans raised by those who stole the people’s revolution, and those thieves of the revolution are well known to the whole Sudanese people. They are groups that represent “domesticated” internal Sudanese political forces, and other hidden external ones that move these internal groups to implement their cunning plans.
The results of the – unprecedented – theft were disastrous, tragic, and stained with the blood of innocent people and of high cost for all the Sudanese people and the future of their country.
Aside from the given facts – known to all – behind targeting Sudan in terms of its demographic composition and potential resources, international forces planned to implement their scheme from behind the curtain of local figures to establish a civil, democratic state, “and this- beauty – is extremely deceptive.”
Perhaps many people do not know that the scheme, whose ugly features and aspects became clear after the war of April 15, 2023, in tragic ways reflected in the suffering of people, their displacement from their homes, and the destruction of their national institutions, is an old scheme and major international powers worked to pass and implement it, devoting enormous resources to it at various stages and in multiple aspects throughout the years before the fall of the Salvation regime.
The absent understanding and hidden roots of the change scheme: Its owners describe it as “shaping the future of change in Sudan,” which means that it is a scheme for controlled change through which, the plans of the “used” internal groups became compatible with their political scheme and mixed with the programs of civil society organizations and external plans drawn up according to a strategic approach, research conclusions, meetings, workshops and many secret conferences.
The internal groups “used” to pass this plan have no scheme other than revenge and clashes with the Sudanese army and national forces. Here, the role of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change (the Central Council) emerged with its well-known banners and goals seeking to govern by any means, even if this led them to accept the principle of alliance with the enemies of Sudan in order to achieve their objevtives.
The alleged international community, with its banners lined with the names of Sudanese civil society organizations, international humanitarian organizations, and controlling financial institutions; found what it was looking for in local groups that did not care about anything other than achieving power “at any cost.”
Sometimes the approaches of the international community are evident in slogans of combating illegal immigration, and other times in slogans of establishing democracy and a civil state according to an approach that strikes the societal and religious system with a deep and radical cultural change, even reaching the point of trying to change the behavior of the conservative individual and his concept of national values and the foundations of the state of citizenship, which is a solid foundation for real change.
Therefore, Sudan has become a field of experiments as the beginning of a major change for all countries of the African and Arab region in a larger future scheme. The internal approach is compatible with the external plan for a profound, radical change. Its agendas ultimately serve to implement the desires of countries seeking to control Sudan’s resources, by seeking help from countries in the region and the Arab and African surroundings that have the same desires and goals.
In the midst of this conspiracy, international and regional powers searched for raw material – a new human resource – that could be easily formed and used to change the nature and form of Sudanese society itself with a major demographic change to implement this dangerous and cunning plan. The mercenary groups were the best option to confront the national army and fight it with slogans of consolidating democratic values and reforming the military institution, establishment of the civil state, and the dismantling of what they falsely call the “State of 56,” all of which are lies and misleading slogans.
After studying the strengths and weaknesses of implementing this major scheme, they prepared fertile ground for it over the past years through tribal wars, undermining the cohesion of native administrations to dismantle inherited societal cohesion, and by pressuring Sudan through ethnic conflicts in the peripheries that lasted for years to weaken the central state’s resources, and reduce the degree of awareness and enlightenment in fighting the state educational institutions so that this plan is not resisted, seeking the help of Arab-African diaspora groups and mercenaries who participated in the wars of the African continent, which are usually directed by the need for money and committing violations, in order to carry out a complete replacement of the traditional Sudanese demographic composition, and unfortunately some fighters within the rebel Rapid Support Militia are members of the Sudanese tribes, who are considered the social incubators, interacted with this plan “without awareness of the extent of the future risks to their societies and their historical ties to the central state and the Sudanese people.”
What Sudan is experiencing today are manifestations of a grand plan for which huge sums of money were spent, and great efforts were made to implement and pass it, including controlling social media with electronic rooms from inside and outside Sudan, demanding and sectarian demonstrations, and the systematic destruction of strategic national facilities, museums, and the Bureau of national and archival documents, until the plan developed for the stage of training youth in meetings, workshops, and conferences held in the countries of the African milieu with fraudulent slogans and reassurances- the undeclared goal of which was to control Sudan’s resources.
Briefly speaking and without going into deeper details, many may find that they were tools for passing this cunning plan throughout the past years “without knowing,” and there is nothing wrong with that as long as the intentions were pure and contrary to the plans and agendas of those who took the lead in the scene of change by benefiting from the momentum of the revolution that was a noble goal for all the people of Sudan who seek real change that intersects with the hidden goals planned by the enemies of Sudan’s unity and renaissance.
So, there is nothing wrong with correcting positions and concepts by returning to what is right.
The most important fact remains that the Sudanese army fought historical epics and aborted this plan, taking advantage of the momentum and popular rally, which was the insurmountable obstacle that all the conspiring parties, internally and externally, tried to break, but it was difficult to penetrate. This indicates that the servants of the interior and their financiers from abroad do not know the nature of the Sudanese character that it is characterized by a legacy of struggle, a history of massive sacrifices, and excessive sensitivity towards external interference in national affairs.
The army, in its internal structure, also confronted the political scheme called the Framework Agreement, which represented the political platform for passing the major international scheme in Sudan.
Noting that the scheme was originally designed to attack the military establishment and Native administrations, as they are a safety valve and a fortified wall for Sudan and its community.
For the conspirators, dismantling these components is considered a prerequisite for passing the external scheme. Finally – during a conference held in a neighboring country – they began talking about the necessity of finding a formula to deal with the civil administrations and Sufi orders after the failure of the confrontation with the army in the first plan.
In the practical reality revealed by the current experience of the war, which is in fact a “proxy” war that has nothing to do with any of the marketing slogans raised by those who ignited it, it also has nothing to do with any intellectual current as the sponsors of the external scheme and their electronic rooms promote, and here is an example. For example, the Islamic and leftist parties had a more conscious position in confronting the external scheme, and the Communist Party – as an example – embodied a distinctive national position since the preparatory stage for the scheme with the well-known workshop held by the steering committee of the Sudanese Bar Association before the alliance of some leaders of the rebel Rapid Support militia with the political parties supporting and allied with the rebellion to pass the plan abroad through the draft framework agreement supported by the United Nations Integrated Mission to Support the Transitional Phase in Sudan “UNITAMS”, while the national movements, siding with them the resistance committees, with a wide segment of the youth of the Islamic, right-wing and independent movements presented the best model of national military/civilian cohesion that prevented the most dangerous armed conspiratorial act in the history of Sudan, whose real goal was to dismantle the state, change its people, and control its resources.
These are features of the magnitude of the large conspiracy that all Sudanese people must know, remember, and confront with all force; because it aimed to demolish the structure of the traditional Sudanese state from the ground up and change it with a new state whose elements are all domesticated and serve the foreign plans, in order to control Sudan’s resources forever and change its composition, so that it becomes a fragile, disintegrated state that has been domesticated from the highest ceiling by its educated elites and ending with some of the common people who have been confused by hidden concepts due to falsification of awareness and misleading media propaganda.
The Sudanese people must be more vigilant, in the future, so that this external – manufactured – scheme shall find another opportunity to renew itself with new cunning approaches!

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