Mali: General El Hadj Ag Gamou Appointed Governor of Kidal

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed
In Mali, General El Hadj Ag Gamou was appointed governor of the Kidal region on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. A week after the Malian army and its Wagner auxiliaries captured the city, a stronghold of the CSP (Permanent Strategic Framework) rebels, the appointment of this Tuareg military leader loyal to the Malian state lifts the veil on the strategy of the Malian transitional authorities.
Two years ago, in December 2021, the Malian transitional authorities removed him from his post as Inspector General of the Armed Forces. At the time, the CSP was not a rebellion, this coalition still brought together all the armed groups that had signed the peace agreement and General Gamou’s game within it was considered murky by the leaders of the Transition. But the mistrust did not last, today, Bamako is counting on him to bring the inhabitants of Kidal back into the fold of the state.