
CAF: Announcement of Clubs League Thursday

Cairo – Sudan Events

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) on Tuesday announced the official timeline for the kick start of the African Clubs league.

CAF said that next Thursday, November 30, is the time set for announcement of the African Clubs league in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

CAF said in its official website on Tuesday that many officials and heads of clubs in the African continent will be in Cairo the coming day; Thursday, to attend the ceremony, including Dr. Patrice Motsepe, CAF president. CAF added that after the ceremony, a press conference will be held where CAF President will announce details on the League.

CAF explained: “The African Clubs League aims to unite all clubs to enhance cooperation and innovation.” adding “The aim of establishing the League is to protect and enhance the interests of African football clubs, increase the commercial revenues of competitions, support referees, find new sponsors, and develop talents and academies.”

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