
Retired General Advises Freedom and Change 

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Lieutenant General Hamada Abdel Azim Hamada, member of the Transitional Military Council in Sudan 1985, sent a message to the Forces of Freedom and Change (Central Council) in Sudan.

“You were important contributors to the December Revolution, but you must keep in mind that those who carried out the revolution were the Sudanese people.” Said the retired general in his missive.

Hamadah drew the attention of the Force of Freedom and Change, to the fact that “the street automatically authorized you by virtue of your presence in the General Command sit-in to implement the democratic transition, not to rule Sudan during the transitional period.” He added.

In his message, which Al-Sharq quoted on Tuesday, Hamadah warned that the focus of the forces of freedom and change should be on grassroots building and not running the government.

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