Jibril: War is Coming to an end

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning in Sudan, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, has reassured people the current war is coming to an end and the rebellion will defeat completely
In his intervention before the Forum to support the recovery of the agricultural sector in Sudan, in Istanbul the minister promised that Sudanese people would return to their homes soon.
Jibril refuted the unpromising numbers published by international organizations, talking about famine in Sudan and that dozens of Sudanese are facing famine. He argued that Sudan produces corn, sesame, and other crops that are sufficient for the country’s needs and are abundant, adding that Sudan’s production this year is better compared to the production of 2022, noting that this confirms that Sudan won’t go hungry.
He stressed the country will produce most of its wheat needs, but he acknowledged that they face several obstacles, pointing that such initiatives are necessary for the success of the winter season and continued, “If we succeed in the winter season and achieve promising quantities as happened in “Summer we will be safe from hunger.”
He stressed that efforts are currently underway to make the wheat season a success.