
Journalists Syndicate Denounces RSF Conduct

Sudan Event – Follow-ups

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate (SJS) has strongly rejected converting head-offices of press and media institutions in Sudan into military barracks and detention centers.
In a statement it issued on Thursday the SJS added that in another crime and a serious violation of the freedom of the press and media, the sanctity of press and media institutions in Sudan, the RSF has converted the buildings of the Radio and Television Public Corporation in of Omdurman into detention centers. The syndicate quoted individuals who were arrested there confirming.
This heinous crime did not stop there, but rather extended – according to documented testimonies – to bidding Sudanese Radio equipment for sale in the marketplaces in Omdurman.
The statement stressed that the SJS denounces this irresponsible behavior, which exposes the country’s historical heritage to the danger of destruction, devastation, and disappearance forever.
The statement added that the Sudanese 24 and Al-Balad TV Channels in Khartoum were also destroyed and all equipment looted.The BBC office in Khartoum was equally looted. Equipment belonging to Blue Nile channel was also seen being offered for sale in the Libya market in Omdurman.
The SJS indicated that, while expressing its strong condemnation for these horrific violations, it calls on the RSF to immediately evacuate these institutions. It also calls on regional and international organizations concerned with freedom of the press and media in all parts of the world to condemn these violations and work seriously to remove the impacts of that aggression.

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