
UN Peacekeepers in Mali Close Sévaré Camp


Agencies – Sudan Events

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) closed its camp in Sévaré, Mopti region, on Friday, marking the end of its presence in the central regions of the West African country.

This follows the closure of the Ogossagou and Douentza bases, also in central Mali, as part of the second phase of the Mission’s drawdown.

The last remaining Mission personnel, both civilian and military, left the Sévaré camp on Friday, according to a note to correspondents released by the United Nations.

By the end of December 2023, the remaining MINUSMA personnel will leave Mali, except those required for liquidation including its guard unit, completing the Mission’s drawdown as mandated by the Security Council at the request of the Malian authorities. The liquidation phase will begin from 1 January 2024.

The statement said at the closure ceremony for Sévaré, the Governor of the Mopti Region, Abass Dembele, and the Acting Head of the MINUSMA Regional Office, Jens Kristensen, signed documents on the state of the fully operational camp, as well as on compliance with UN environmental regulations and other related issues.

The meeting was attended by the Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support, Atul Khare, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of MINUSMA, El-Ghassim Wane.

The statement stressed that “MINUSMA has played a crucial role in stabilizing the central regions of Mali”.

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