
Gezira state: RSF defeated, situation stable now

Medani – Sudan Events

The Gezira State authorities have confirmed that the militia Rapid Support Forces (RSF) who staged a treacherous attack on the state’s capital, Wad Medani, have been defeated and the situation has now returned to normalcy.
The Command of the First Infantry Division and the State Security Committee issued a joint statement on Friday about the stability of the security situation in the town of Medani, capital of the region.
The joint statement has stressed that the Armed Forces have defeated the militias and inflicted heavy losses on theme, both materials, equipment and human.
The Armed Forces and the other Security Forces in the state have reaffirmed that they are ready to deal with any breach authored by the rebels or those collaborating with them, urging people not to listen to rumors.
In a separate statement, the Commander of the First Division General Amed Al Tayeb has explained that the rebel militia forces attacked the army units in continuation of their violations and desperate attempts to cover their humiliating defeats in Khartoum, trying to go after those who moved out of Khartoum away from the fray of the war.
He accused the militias of violating humanitarian and international human rights laws by targeting the internally displaced persons who found refuge in the Gezira state.
He said the Sudanese Armed Forces repulsed the attackers and inflicted heavy losses on them. He vowed that Gezira will never be invaded and that it will be the graveyard for the traitors and those who sell away their homeland.
It is to be noted that a group of the RSF militias have tried to infiltrate into the gas and fuel depots in Um Alaila area- 15 km east of Medani where they were faced by the army and heavy fighting took place there the RSF were defeated and repulsed.

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