
Tunisia: Institutional Violence Against Migrants

Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed

“Arbitrary arrests”, “forced displacements” and “illegal expulsions” towards the borders with Libya and Algeria, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Tunisia suffer ” daily institutional violence”, denounced the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), based in Geneva, in a report published on Monday.
The 58-page study, which cites direct testimonies and from partner NGOs, points the finger of “responsibility” towards Tunisian authorities in “violations committed on the territory, including border areas”.
It noted that the country is under “continued pressure from Europe to reduce irregular migration in the Mediterranean”.
According to OMCT, “human rights violations” had already been known “a gradual intensification” after a speech in February by President Kais Saied denouncing the arrival in Tunisia of “hordes of illegal migrants”.
In July, after the death of a Tunisian during a brawl with nationals from sub-Saharan Africa in Sfax (centre-east), hundreds of them were arrested in this metropolis, the epicentre of illegal departures to Europe.
“In a few days, more than a thousand people were displaced to desert areas on the borders with Libya and Algeria”, underlines the report, entitled “The roads of torture” which criticizes a violation of international treaties signed by Tunisia.
“Since June, at least 5,500 migrants have been expelled to Libya and more than 3,000 to Algeria”, around a hundred of whom have died on the Tunisian-Libyan border, according to international humanitarian sources at AFP. These “expulsions” were denounced by the UN but denied by the Tunisian authorities.
In addition, according to OMCT, “the inhumane living conditions to which migrants, refugees and asylum seekers are subjected”, concentrated by the thousands in recent months in the countryside near Sfax “may constitute torture and ill-treatment”.

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