
Hamdouk: unconditional ceasefire in Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow up

Sudan’s former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdouk has urged both the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces Militias to observe an immediate and unconditional cease and to respect their pledges in this regard
Hamdouk is currently chairing the Coordination of the civilian democratic forces (TGADUM) which was created following the outbreak of the war in April 15th. And the coordination comprises the Forces for Freedom and Change- as the Central
council, along with other forces and entities that said they would work for creating a wide civilian front that world work to halt the war in the country.
Hamdouk has pointed out in a statement marking the 5th anniversary of the December 2018 revolution that the two parties to the war should seek an immediate and unconditional stoppage of the war and respect their commitment according to the humanitarian internal laws regarding the protection of civilians and the provision of unhindered humanitarian assistance to the needy civilians”
“I call on our people and its lively forces to come out and back the civil forces for halting the war and for restoring the democratic transitional process, with the view to establish a democratic civil state and for achieving the state of citizenship and equal rights.”
Hamdouk described the December Revolution as an important point within the struggle of the Sudanese people for freedom, peace and Justice.
War which is entering its 8th month, has expanded in the Sudan and the RSF transferred the war and the aggression top Gezira State- central Sudan- a matter that aggravated the situation of the residents and the Internally displaced persons who fled the war in Khartoum, the national capital, to areas in central Sudan.
UN estimates say over 300,000 persons have fled Gezira area on Friday as a result of the military confrontations.

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