
US: Military Solution Unacceptable in Sudan

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The United States of America renewed its call on the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) to end the fighting, fulfill obligations and respect human rights, and stressed that there is no acceptable military solution to the current conflict.
The war that broke out between the army and the RSF on April 15 has now entered its ninth month, and the militia moved its hostilities to Gezira State – central Sudan, which exacerbated the conditions of residents and displaced people who fled the capital, Khartoum.
The US Embassy in Sudan said in a statement on the fifth anniversary of the December 2018 Revolution today (Tuesday) that there is no acceptable military solution to this conflict. It added that the only sustainable path forward is one that recognizes that Sudan’s political future belongs to Sudanese civilians.
The statement continued: Our message is clear: the Sudanese Armed Forces and the RSF must end the fighting in Sudan, adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law, respect human rights, and allow unimpeded access to meet the increasingly urgent humanitarian needs of the people of Sudan.
It added: They must also refrain from seeking to play a role in governance in the post-conflict phase. The embassy said that the United States will continue to make every effort to stop the fighting and will continue to stand with the Sudanese people in their constant aspiration for a democratic Sudan.
The statement indicated that on this day five years ago, the Sudanese people united to demand freedom, peace and justice, and that courage and sacrifice led to the beginnings of a democratic future, but the promise of this future to the people of Sudan was repeatedly denied.

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