
Medani…the Main Battle

News analysis
By Mohamed Widaa

The militias amassed the bulk of its resources in the Medani battle.
Defense for Medani begins from al Zurug and Nyala and from Um Jaras in Chad.
The dormant sells are much more dangerous for Medani than the attacking militias.
Excellent defense around towns and targeted areas, revision and correcting the management of battle and above all involvement of the mobilized elements.
24hours have passed since the militias entered Medani and the army command has yet to issue a statement or a communiqué
Medani was able to repulse the first wave of attacks by the militias, successfully. The militias pulled back to eastern Medani areas up to Abu Haraz and to the eastern Gezira villages up to Tambool and Wad Rawa. The militia’s plan was to find a foothold east of Medani so as to be able to strangle it altogether and then shell it using heavy artillery. This means to secure Medani, one should have started from the eastern parts of the town coupled with cleaning up the town from the fifth columnists and collaborators with the militias inside the town. In addition, by all means, entering Medani and controlling it is not possible militarily speaking. This does not mean we belittled the battle that took place in Medani where the militias have amassed all their forces and power but it entered the town without any significant fighting. Therefore, one anticipates the occurrence of intensive battles inside and around the town of Medani itself. The armed forces are working to that end and it has therefor to amass all possible resources for this decisive battle that will take place as soon as possible and let it be the decisive and final battle. History will record that this was the main battle; the militias have entered Medani in a very simple and easy way that could not be imagined at all or explained. The army has to learn from the battle of Medani and rearrange its priority, Medani first, Khartoum or Nyala and probably a carefully studied reaction to the situation in Um Jaras would be a final demarcation in the process of the fighting.
Defending Medani begins from Al Zurug and Nyala and from the brooders with chad, it begins by disrupting the lines of supply for the militia but the most important element may be that the people of Medani will hold to their town and stand up for its defense and stay put not leaving the town. This is how each town and each village should defend itself and stand up in defense of their village or their town which the militia target. Defenses should be tightened up around the towns of El Obied, Dongla, Merowe, Kosti, Sinnar, Gadarif and all other towns and areas targeted. The management of battles should be revised and improved, and in particular those mobilized should be involved in the fighting.
The battle of Medani has shown the serious danger of the dormant cells and how it serves the invading militias. The information provided by the eyewitnesses indicates that there are hundreds of armed collaborators who moved from within Medani itself to help the militia. They also have provided the information and spread rumors and demoralizing information. These dormant cells were more dangerous for Medani than the attacking troops of the militias. Controlling Medani from outside had seemed impossible. Now the action should be to secure the town from the leakage of heavy weaponry. It should be cleaned from the east up to the Botana and to clean up any presence of militias to the west and to the north and denying the militias any opportunity for supply and for mobilization of human resources
This is a war of existence, there are no standards to apply here and its style and approaches should be the means for victory and the existence of the Sudan nation. And whatever the sacrifices made, attrition and weakening of the enemy remains the main target. There is no reason not to confront the enemy even if it has the upper hand. This is a battle that lack the media impetus a good content that would reflect the popular will and the popular stand in face of desecrating the national sovereignty and destroying it and the attempt to control this nation by the militia and mercenaries summoned from neighboring countries
The reaction of the army should be up to par with the challenge, recovering self-esteem, confidence and steadfastness as well as taking the lead and possessing the initiative. The army leadership should pay attention to the public opinion and to explain to the people in all responsibility and transparently and courageously the facts on the ground. It should also take the necessary decisions that will regain the state dignity. Simply put the ends justify the means.
Twenty-four hours have passed since the militia entered the town of Medani and the army has yet to issue a communiqué explaining why and how this has happened. Leaving the people prone and victim to rumors and confusion, not only about the situation in Medani, but wherever people are, is more dangerous than the threat of the rebellious militias.
December 19, 2023

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