
Sudan’s Vision on Renaissance Dam Filling

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Yesterday (Tuesday) in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, the delegations of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia concluded the work of the fourth round of the Renaissance Dam negotiations. The parties continued their direct negotiations on the terms related to filling and operating the Renaissance Dam.
The Acting Minister of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Engineer Dhawal Al-Bait, Abdul Rahman Mansour, explained in press statements that Sudan presented its vision regarding the items that were agreed upon as well as the contested items. He stressed Sudan’s continued pursuit of reaching an agreement on the rules for filling and operating the dam that takes into account the interests of Sudan and the concerns of the parties towards achieving benefits the three countries. It is noteworthy that the current round of negotiations did not reach an integrated agreement regarding the rules for filling and operating the Renaissance Dam, as some of its provisions still require greater agreement between the three countries.

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