
Warning against collapse of sesame prices

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdallah

Traders in sesame have revealed a drastic drop in the prices of sesame at the Gadarif Bourse
The traders have expressed concern about the consequences of such a huge drop in the prices that reached the lowest price ever of 61 thousand pounds a kantar
Hassan Rizziq was of the view that this collapse in prices was due to the reluctance of the banks and major companies from buying in addition to a number of elements including the end of the year inventories conducted by the corporates as well as the scarcity in liquid money in the market for sale and purchasing operations.
He was also critical of the financial policies adopted in the money transfers via bank application and the ceiling set by some bank. He said the bank of Sudan should promptly intervene to provide cash money
Producers on the other hand have conceded that they were forced to sell their product at these lower prices in order for them to be able to pay for their standing debts. They also warned against the spreading of applying usury selling which will make the producers incur losses and therefore expose them to be put behind bar until the payment of debts.

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